Ahmed Mamdouh

Software Developer

In 2014, I was curious about combinatorics and algorithms. I started reading about combinatorics as well as learning Python by reading the documentation. Today, I have a bachelor in computer science and am experienced in a variety of programming domains. I am also attending the artificial intelligence master at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen

Problem solver at heart

Primetals Technologies

Apr. 23 - Now

I worked on different projects involving state of the art deep learning models. I also developed efficient, real-time software solutions for different problems, as well as new internal development tools such as project templates.

Sequel Solutions

Sep. 20 - Jul. 21

I implemented a new search feature that worked with weather data to find an appropriate location/time. I also created a Firebase caching service and integrated it into the application. I also updated critical, deprecated parts of the legacy code to boost performance and reduce loading times by up to 30%

Current projects


Eden is a platform independent graphics engine using C++. Eden is built to be extensible and hackable by developers for devlopers, while also maintaining performance and a powerful test-suite.

Deep RL for NL semantics

This is a research project which uses deep reinforcement learning to guide classical tableau calculus for logically sound natural language semantic modeling


MIPS Processor Simulation

A working Python implementation of a MIPS processor that includes an assembly to machine code parser and simulates register tables, control, ALU, data memory and register files

Python · Computer architecture · Assembly

CT Imaging Projection Generation

In this project I explored different architectures to generate intermediate projections for CT scans, thus allowing CT scans to take less images, which makes the scans take less time and exposes the patient to less radiation

Python · Deep Learning · GANs · Generative AI · Biomedical Engineering · Pytorch · Torch lightning


This is an asteroid shooter game built in C++ using OpenGL. The game features a proecdurally generated background to make the player feel more engaged

C++ · OpenGL · Game Development

Sumerge Investors Portal

This is a prototype implementation of an investor portal built to digitalize the interaction between investors and the government body. The portal provides an interal portal for employees and an investor portal both with different authorization permissions. The projects allows creation of new contracts, forms and so on as well as the ability to handle payments using stripe

NoSQL · Fullstack · MERN-Stack · MongoDB · React · Express · NodeJS · Stripe


A functioning database engine implementation with bitmap indexing. This implementation uses Java generics which provides static time error checking via the type system thus catching errors simply from static conde analysis tools

Java · Databases · SQL · Indexing


Chatto is a simple Texting application which contains a dedicated server and allows multiple users to start 1-to-1 chats

Java · Multi-threading · Socket programming · Messaging · Network programming · JavaFX